
Problems or Radiation - Detection & Solution


Making and Analysis - Advice and Remedy


Scanning as well as Report


Consulting - Advice - Solution

More about Vastu

  1. Vastu Visit & Report
  2. Geographic Stress
  3. UV & IR Radiation
  4. Any Other Radiation
  5. Vastu Identification & Selection
  6. Vastu Planning – Advice and Solution
  7. Vastu Other 

More about Horo

  1. Horoscope Making
  2. Horoscope Analysis
  3. General or Specific Issue  – Solution or Advice
  4. Horo Other   

More about Aura

  1. Aura Scanning Living Object
  2. Aura Scanning Non-Living Obejct
  3. Aura Analysis – Problem Identification & Advice
  4. Aura Other


  1. Match Making or Partnership – Life or Business
  2. Identifying Career Path
  3. Advice on Business Choice -Path – Growth 
  4. Logo Preparation & Advice
  5. Name – Personal or Business
  6. General Other